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View Patch #60.001.051
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03244 -
Minor formatting changes to acbal report to facilitate export.
I export account balances all the time. There are three steps that I must complete before I can manipulate the data to sort, subtotal, etc. It would be nice if they could change the formatting of the report and eliminate those extra steps. Can you change the acbal.rpt to sort on tdate again and resend to me?
As per specifications attached to Request #3244, reformatted the generic acbal.rpt Crystal report file to accurately align columnar data for export to Excel, with minimal impact to printed report version. 2011-Feb-10: - Reformatted summary amount fields in section and report footers to accommodate large currency amounts as requested by PTPC 2011-Mar-04: - modified the report to use p4s#acbal.tdate as the primary sort order. Set location and Verified report against most recent local PTPC database
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