Support Request System
View Patch #50.509.001
Patch ID:
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Request IDs:
03327 -
Crew Schedule Print has issues with "mixed" shifts
02838 -
Work Scheduling Enhancements
02707 -
Provide setting defaults for schedulings options
Enhancement Description:
1. Schedule Open Period. Change the scheduling Open and Filtering forms to ask for a look-behind and look-ahead days around today’s date, rather than just look-ahead days. 2. Scheduling Form Sizing. Maximize the size of a selected schedule form within its container form based on a user selectable option. Increase the width of the Description column on the list of tasks to schedule. 3. Work Order Operations from Scheduling. On double-click of a task in the schedule form’s list of tasks to schedule, open the Work Order application with the task already opened. Allow the user to perform all functions available in the Work Order application proper. On close of the Work Order application return to the Scheduling application. On click of a new Work Order button, show the New Work Order form from the Work Order application, ready for entry of a new work order. 4. Print Filtering. Apply similar filtering to schedule printing as to that used on opening a schedule to the printing of a schedule. 5. Export Filtering. Apply similar filtering to schedule exporting as to that used on opening a schedule. 6. Site Specific Defaults. Set the default work order value for the Span Shifts check box to true based on a site selectable option. Set the Trade on a New Work Order form to blank but mandatory. Set the default value for From Date on scheduling filtering forms to today’s date. 7. Scheduling Projects. Allow scheduling of the tasks for a selected set of 4Site projects as well as tasks for a selected set of equipment locations. 8. Printing Work Orders. Provide a means of selecting one or more work orders for printing from the Scheduling application.
The Scheduling application has been modified to satisfy the requirements as listed above.
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